Cultivating Head Space


Clarity is……..

“The ability to think clearly and not be confused

Work with me if you…

Want Change

You are looking for change, clarity, empowerment and newness in your life. You need help exploring the options on the table

Find your Flow

You feel stuck, you procrastinate, you keep going round in circles. You need more energy, passion and flow in your life

Discover your Direction

You have lost a relationship, job, loved one. You would like to find a path forward and the steps to take.



Perfect for when you want to explore solutions, but also identify the obstacles in your way, your emotional clutter!

I love helping my clients explore their goals, their current situation, their options and find a way forward.



Find more flow by exploring your relationships, your work, your family life and your passions to bring more balance and fun to your life.

I love helping my clients get to a place of balance and joy.



Perfect when you have lost direction. See life from a new perspective, and gain clarity.

I share tools that can help you work out how to be yourself, feel you belong and go on to thrive in all situations.


Results you can expect


A clearer vision of what you want and how to get it



Overcome your obstacles. Live in the present not the past or the future


Rediscover your direction and find a better life balance



More time, more flow and more energy


Gain a calm understanding and acceptance of self



Improved sleep, a feeling of wellbeing and belonging

Are you ready for change?

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“To support a person at every level in becoming who they want to be. To build awareness, empower choice and lead to change.”

How it works:

Prior to the session

We have a phone call or video chat to discuss what’s on your mind.

We arrange a time to work together.

I am so looking forward to exploring how we can work together to give you the results you are looking for.


During each session

We revisit your motivations for seeking support.

I see my role as an enabler of new thinking. I have no agenda, other than to allow you to explore your feelings, your triggers, your options and everything else that comes up in the session. This is your opportunity to see your situation with more awareness and reflect on the possibilities open to you. The answers come from you, facilitated by open questions and exercises that allow you, as we work together, to see things in a clearer light.


At the end of a Session

We conclude by reflecting on the session and what you might be taking away from it. We can set a date for the next session, plan a way forward or simply leave you to process your thoughts over the coming days. It is said that 95% of the coaching work takes place outside of the coaching space!



Imagine feeling like someone stepped into your shoes and really heard you.

Imagine the lightness of sharing and exploring your thoughts, concerns and hopes in a safe and confidential environment.

Imagine feeling a real sense of clarity and a way forward.

Book your next session at the end of the session or consult my calendar when you are ready to explore further.


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Individual Session

Get a taste of how coaching works, or experience my style of coaching before committing to a coaching package.

1 hr £55 OR 90 mins £75

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6 Week Package

Perfect for exploring deeper, using tools designed to facilitate new thinking and change.

Series of six 1-hour sessions £320


12 Week Package

Choose this option if you want to get to the bottom of long seated thought patterns and behaviours. We can pick and mix from a range of coaching tools to really look at your beliefs, your options and your aspirations.

Series of twelve 1-hour sessions £600

All sessions are held via Zoom, Whats app or Facetime

Are you ready for change?