Cultivating Physical Space

“The less you have the more free you are.”

Mother Theresa

Work with me if…


You need better flow, a more organised, simpler way of living. You need change, clarity, and something new in your life.


You are selling your house, downsizing or want to clear some space, but feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start.


You feel stuck, you need to discover what’s standing in your way. You want to move forward and let go of the past.



Perfect for when you are feeling overwhelmed by your possessions and don’t know where to begin. I help you stay on track and give you tools to use going forward.

I love helping my clients rediscover their spaces and let go of the subconcious weight of the possesions that are keeping them stuck and holding them back!



I can help you sort and organise your possessions prior to moving and support you with help unpacking. This enables you to get the best possible flow from your new spaces.

I love supporting my clients through the overwhelm of downsizing and making their move stress free, liberating and exciting!



Perfect when you need to present your home in the best possible light, or your home is not selling and needs an objective eye.

I love helping my clients see their home from a fresh perspective, and fall in love with, or gain the sale of their home!


Results you can Expect


“The ability to think clearly and not be confused”


Moving on

Overcome your obstacles. Live in the present not the past or the future


Freedom to move, choice to choose



More time, more flow, more energy


A beautiful home - to live in or to sell



Find your real self

Are you ready to let go?


Definition of clutter:

  1. Things you do not use or love

  2. Things that are untidy or disorganised

  3. Too many things in too small a space

  4. Anything unfinished

— Karen Kingston

How it works:

Prior to the session

We have a phone call or video chat to discuss your motivations for clearing your space.

We arrange a time to work together virtually or physically.

I am totally non-judgmental and unshockable.


During the session

We have a tour of your home and work out where to start.

By asking questions and retaining your motivations, I enable you to decide what stays and what goes. We will source the reasons for your clutter, and find a level of physical possessions that will work for you. We will use proven systems to help you decide what to keep and what to let go of. I will never tell you to throw anything away, but as we work together you will become able to see your things in a clearer light.


At the end of a Session

I ensure that each session ends with a clear space from which to move forward. We will make a plan together at the end of the session regarding the items that have been sorted, redistribute and organise what’s to remain, and talk about what you can do going forward.


Results and Forward Planning

Imagine feeling a weight lifted, positive energy and a real optimism and motivation about your future possibilities. Imagine knowing where things are and that they are organised for you to find when you need them. Imagine space to move round and think more clearly.



On site Visit

Make a difference - Half Day (3hrs) £145

The game-changer - full day (6 hrs) £255

Travel and fuel - additional charge


Virtual sessions

Great for smaller spaces - 1.5 hrs £65

Perfect for clearing a room - 3 hrs £120

Monthly check-in. Keep on top of things no more overwhelm! - 1 hr £48


Bespoke Service

Tailor-made to suit your needs. Call me for a free chat!

Choose this option if you have a large ongoing project?

Are you ready to let go?